On the evening of Thursday, 9 February 2023, four Associate Fellows of the Royal Commonwealth Society were invited by Master Educator, Caroline Haines CC to join the annual Franklin Lecture at Mansion House in the presence of the Lord Mayor, Alderman Nicholas Lyons and guests from the world of education and wider Livery.
This lecture titled, ’Teacher, Tutor, Scholar, I: A metaverse of education or conundra of confusion’, was given by Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, Professor Emeritus of Commerce at Gresham College and focused on the impacts of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse and virtual learning.
Professor Mainelli used the Franklin Lecture to explore new technology challenges from neuroscience to the ‘persistent’ Metaverse. He shared his thoughts on where radical institutions could overcome ‘the establishment’, and how the establishment could reform its own economics to deliver superior performance for society and its own benefit.
Engaging and often fun at times, the lecture included a reference to Monty Python and guests were invited to hold their breath for a minute, whilst Professor Mainelli explained the many different systems that were going on within our body, before being allowed to breath out.
A Q&A session followed, with RCS Associate Fellow, Jackie Yu Hon Lam, amongst those invited to contribute. Jackie referenced his own educational background in Canada, the importance he attributes to the opportunities and training he received from the cadets and commented on the state of education in other Commonwealth countries such as Canada.
Following the lecture, Associate Fellows had the opportunity to network with members of the wider Livery during a drinks reception in Egyptian Hall.
The Royal Commonwealth Society is very grateful to the Worshipful Company of Educators for the opportunity offered to Associate Fellows of the Society to attend.