A project titled 'Restoration and Sustainable Management of the Amiantos Asbestos mine in the Troodos National Forest Park' has been dedicated to the QCC. Designated as a National Forest Park in 1992, The Troodos NFP covers approximately 9,000 hectares.
The old Asbestos mine is an area with enormous historical value which now hosts a popular botanical garden with information about the flora of the area, a seed bank of endemic species and also a plethora of evidence for the past mining activity and the community which once flourished there. The main aim of the project is to protect ecological, scientific, recreational, hydrological and economic values and functions of the area.
The project will improve restoration practices to sufficiently address biodiversity conservation and landscape improvement. Activities will include the creation of an artificial pond to meet irrigation, aesthetic and wildlife needs, the installation of artificial bird nests, provision of water and feeding points, improvement of bat refuges and construction of stonewalls, and the gradual restoration of total area mine.
About 750 of flora species have been recorded within the Park, of which 72 are endemic to Cyprus and 12 are exclusive to the Park. Animal life is also rich, and includes the rare and protected Griffon vulture, Raven, Bonelli΄s eagle, the Treecreeper and the Cyprus Wheather.
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